Highly Effective, Even at Low Speeds:
When riding in rain, beads of water can gather on your helmet visor, preventing you from seeing clearly.
But with VISIODRY, clear vision is maintained even when the heavens open. Even when stationary or riding slowly, in built-up areas or when visibility is poor, raindrops simply bounce off the surface of your visor, preventing it from getting wet.
VisioDry Improves your Wet Weather Safety:
In rainy conditions, VISIODRY is a key safety measure for your day-to-day journeys as well as your leisure rides, guaranteeing a totally dry visor for optimum visibility.
Clean and dirty water are both repelled with ease, keeping your visor crystal clear.
VisioDry uses exclusive superhydrophobic technology to ensure your visor always remains dry.
VisioDry is the Perfect Solution for any Visor and any Ride:
Everyone needs to wear a helmet, whether riding a standard motorcycle, an adventure bike, an off-road bike or a scooter. VISIODRY guarantees great visibility and improved safety whenever you head out for a ride.
VisioDry is easy to apply to any visor, including:
Transparent visors.
Tinted visors.
Iridium visors.
Visors with or without an anti-scratch coating.
Quick and Easy to Apply:
Applying VisioDry couldn’t be easier – simply spray onto your visor and go!